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NLP Trainer course takeaways

I promised myself and my wife that NLP Master level would be enough. Then somehow I felt very strongly the call to continue and I again found myself seeking the next level at my self- development/Startup coach journey.

Luckily for this stage I got super lucky. Reetta Vanhanen was going to hold the last Trainer course in her career. From the start it felt like "All In" show. Most of the other participants had been following her from the start and I wondered first why but was soon to realise the answer.

It was a super committed group, many participants living multiple hours away from Helsinki. We got together (tested every time) at her place at Tapaninvainio only physically. My takeaway from multiple NLP courses has been that hybrid model does not suite best when one seeks for the ultimate soul level connection to oneself with the help of others.

It was an emotional ride all the way. We reflected NLP and ourselves through music, ikigai, dancing, painting, family constellation. We had several other lecturers bringing their own passionate way of viewing the world. That was perfect way of learning to Pasisti.

I finally understood in practise the basics elements of building the trusted relationship, Field with the anyone through checking your own COACH status and Framing the agenda carefully using our basic learning styles VAKaD.

In my presentation about my NLP trip I talked through the mind-blowing realisation of the far ends of each process. I realised that the each individual process, from start to end like from A to Z, has very significant two additional elements to guide our mind.

The Question to me was "What happens before the A (start) and after Z (end)"?

For me the feelings before A are a fundamental creative process where I start acknowledging things calling, touching, appearing to reach me and I stop and take my time to receive, feel and ask for more of that energy calling me.

That then only that leads to first practical level of A.

Then the after process of beyond Z is a fundamental greater wish, feeling, connection where I hope my process efforts and actions lead in the universal energy level far beyond me and my life.

Additionally I made a song about this far edged process. It will appear soon in the Pasisti artist side and is called "Musamatka".

So what is Beyond NLP Trainer? Naturally Trainer Extra with Reetta. Starting in April.

Reetta and our NLP Goals within a heart.

My NLP journey painting.

Musamatka song by Pasisti

Receiving the NLP ass. Trainer certificate from my guru Reetta.

The whole gang on the porch.

5Rythms dance class group photo after two days of dancing.


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