I already received comments about my jacket "Hapsurotsi". It is a qenuine Freedom custom hand made jacket in downtown Helsinki .
I had a choice to make to photoshooting. Either my Rock'nRoll pure polyester jacket (Made in Pakistan) which I always wear in startup context or this Hapsurotsi.
The story goes as follows: I was 18 (1983) and worked on the construction site for the whole summer and put one third of my first month salary on this jacket. I was a bit shamed first to walk around with it since it did cause some attention but after a while it became a symbol of my freedom, courage and own way of thinking and doing. When I wear the jacket I feel again like 18. I put it on every time I go to a concert. It still fits me "perfectly" as you can see and I have never washed it.
Hope you have a piece like that yourself that gives you the ability to go back in time.