Season 08/23-06/24 takeaways
Professional and personal development
always go hand in hand.
To whom?
Due to my entrepreneurship background my focus is startup founders and CEO's.
Check out my LinkeIn profile from here.
My Life Coaching concentrates on professional growth through personal growth. My experience is that the biggest failures in startup hectic life happen for the reason that personal growth is not able to follow the professional pace. The main reason is the simple truth that we filter 70% the information through our own subconsciousness and too often our own personal feelings step in and take control of our decision making without realising that ourselves.
"When you need a "mirror" to help you realigning the true you with your life, Pasi is the best talking "mirror" you could find, as he will use his wisdom and empathy to walk you through the road. And most importantly, he understands you , even if you come from Asian culture like me." -Rosanne/China
Pasi on tukenut toimitusjohtajauraani monella tavalla. Hän on innostava sparraaja ja virallisemman coaching-prosessin aikana hänen ammattimaiset ja persoonalliset työtavat laittoivat sopivasti ajattelemaan. Pasin jämpti asenne tuki myös siinä etteivät asiat jääneet minulla vain ajattelun tasolle vaan menivät myös käytäntöön. Taina / Suomi
Basic package:
Free of charge familiarization 30min. Coaching 4 x max. 90min. Post mortem30min.
Up to the client but best results with 2-3 week coaching intervals.
Each session consists of homework which take 2h/session. All discussions lead to a concrete action, which we talk through during the session.
Up to the client. Minimum is 1€.
Method Stetson
I do not believe in following pre-made plans in coaching. It all depends how you feel and are ready to work on your issues. I'm there to follow and guide you. If you can come up with the question to your issue you know the answer.
Often my inner feelings call me to try something new that I have never tried before.
For you it is an individual way of approaching your problems.
I call it the "method Stetson".
Interested? Contact me!
Nice to know
I'm a father of three adult kids, second time happily married, travelled to 80 countries. I'm an active impact investor and have 20+ startups in my portfolio. I have also learnt a lot of my 2 massive startup failures. I prefer cycling in the city of Helsinki, play team sports (floorball) and make music. I challenge myself constantly and renew myself a bit every year. Currently working on around NLP.